I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3

Jesus Came Not to Give Bread, but to Be Bread. Here is the main point Jesus did not come into the world mainly to give bread, but to be bread. I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will not hunger. He who believes in me will never thirst John 6 3. He came into the world not to give bread, but to be bread. Now he is going to give bread and you can miss it by thinking that is the main thing he came to do. But that is not the main reason he came. You have already had a lot of bread taken out of your hands. And I hope it lands on you with massive good news that he came to be bread, not mainly give bread. He has got to take bread out of a lot of peoples hands so that they will trust him as the bread. Free Dell Screensaver Download Software here. Jesus came into the world to change your desires so that he would be your main desire. Zing Mp3 s mang n cc ca khc HOT mi nht, t cc ngh s bn yu thch. Ma p nht trong nm ang n gn, chm m. January 15, 1995 Man Shall Not Live on Bread Alone What to Eat While Fasting. Screen-Shot-2017-03-05-at-7.46.28-PM-1024x343.png' alt='I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3' title='I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3' />Gingerbread man written and performed by TheHappyape Once upon a time A man and his wife Had no children Had an empty life So they made up a dough And. GBIkzsoggr8/0.jpg' alt='I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3 Free' title='I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3 Free' />Secondly, he did not come to be useful, but to be precious. Oh, how many Christians receive him as useful. Or another way to put it is Jesus Christ did not come into the world to assist you in meeting desires you already had before you were born again. He came into the world to change your desires so that he is the main one. That is the reason he came. And so many preachers, maybe some have stood in this pulpit, and they have taken you right where you are with your desires, natural desires that you share with every fallen human being in the world and just say Jesus came to meet that. Well, he didnt. He came to change those desires profoundly. It is called the new birth so that he is the central desire. He is the bread. He is the precious one. That is the point of this sermon. He Came to Change our Desires. Now he does care about bread, I mean natural bread. He cares about your body. He just doesnt care about your body and your natural bread mainly. That is coming. That is coming just on the other side of the grave. There is going to be a resurrection someday. No more mourning. No more crying. No more tears. No more depression. No more sin. Only joy on the new earth, under the new heavens forever. That is coming. He cares about the body. He is going to raise the body from the dead, make you young forever, handsome forever, healthy forever, so that you can enjoy him in the fullness of your humanity. That is coming. But that is not the main point of this world. I got a phone call yesterday from Joby, the administrator at our church, and she said that there is a family in our church named the Jedlows and their sister not a believer just committed suicide. There are no believers in this family at all and on the Friday after Thanksgiving could you do her funeral That is the hardest funeral in the world. I have done suicides before. I am okay with doing suicide funerals of people who were believers. I really believe you can be a believer and be that depressed. But here is a woman who is confessedly not a believer and she killed herself. What am I going to say But I want very much to say the best news in all the world for Christians is on the other side there is life. So there is another young lady in our church, young late forties, four kids, two in college, two smaller. And the doctors have told her maybe two weeks before her leukemia takes her out. We are still praying Oh, God, make this last ditch unusual creative never tried before kind of chemo do the thing that might do it, but they are preparing themselves. I am more than willing to do that funeral if it comes, because I have got such good news for that elder in my church and that family and those kids. God cares about the body. He will never ever throw it away. He will make it new. But he didnt come mainly to do that here. He didnt come mainly to cause all of our physical desires to be satisfied, but to change those desires at their core so that he becomes our treasure over everything and that can happen in this prison way better sometimes than it can in the free, prosperous, hell bent world. So I hope you men get this, that Jesus Christ came into the world to do mainly what can be done here treasuring him, loving him, following him, living for him, rejoicing in him, being satisfied in him, making much of him in everything you do morning to night can be done anywhere on the planet. That is the main reason we exist. A Story About Bread. Verses 1 1. 5 is the story of the feeding of the five thousand and the rest of the chapter is all about bread. It is all about Jesus as the bread. So Jesus has come to give a sign in the multiplying of these loaves that he himself is the bread of heaven, not mainly that he can make enough bread to feed everybody. He calls this a sign. What is a sign A sign is glory coming into the world. John 1 1. 4 We beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. And shining down from that glory is like a beam, a beam of glory shining from Christ the glorious, eternal, divine, Son of God, a beam shining down and it lands. And when it lands it produces out of five loaves and a few fish enough food to feed five thousand. He creates out of nothing food to feed five thousand people. And the sign is meant to do this. Your eyes behold the landing of the beam and your eyes should run up the beam to the glory. Seeking the Miracle or the Person. Instead, what did they do They saw this miracle and they fixated on the product of the miracle, not the person of the miracle. Jesus answered them the next day, Truly, truly I say to you, you are seeking me not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of loaves verse 2. He is angry. Can you imagine Jesus being angry that somebody is seeking him Why would he get upset if you sought him It is because they were seeking him as useful, useful for the bread, the money, the health, the prosperity. He is useful to my stuff. And they didnt let their eyes run up the beam and say, He is my treasure. Or picture it as the sun 9. The sun sends out rays, lands on the earth, 9. It causes plants to grow and it makes us warm and it produces vitamin D in our skin and it enables us to see beautiful things. And most people simply get the analogy sun, Christ, beam, glory, landing, miracle. Most people just say Whoa, I love what I see. I love my skin. I love my plants that grow. They dont let their eyes run up the beam to the Son of glory Jesus Christ. Verse 1. 5 says, Perceiving that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself. They didnt see him as precious. They saw his gifts as precious. Oh, what a useful king he will beLets have Jesus be our king He will keep our bellies full Jesus doesnt want that kind of disciple. Those types of preachers are all over the world. The main export from America to Africa is this kind of theology that says he wants your stuff to multiply. Get the car. Get the gold watch. Wear the suit, the shoes. Get all that. That is what Jesus is for. I think that is demonic theology. Jesus came into the world to bless us in some measure now. And I will get to that in a minute from this very parable. But mainly he is trying to forgive our sins, clothe us with righteousness, make himself our treasure, seal our eternity forever and then put us to work in the world whether we are in prison or on the outside. And the same realities here as out there. The main thing is here. The other stuff feels really important. But that is why I said it may be that your very presence here will enable you to see better than the people in my church can see. They got the stuff.