Marketing Metrics Digital Handbook

Customer Experience Summit Marketforce Conference. Sign up to kick off the day at one of our breakfast roundtables where industry experts will lead discussions over a continental spread and lots of coffee. Places are limited so register now to join the debate. Co creation develop ideas with your customers to build long term relationships. Chair Chris Annetts, Heathrow Airport How to ensure your customer experience delivers on your brand promise and image Chair Jan Richards, Dublin Airport Authority. Digital transformation understand the next steps and how to make sure you are successful. Chair Andrew Bryan, Henley Centre for Customer Management. Viral marketing Wikipedia. Viral marketing or viral advertising is a marketing technique that uses pre existing social networking services and other technologies to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives such as product sales or marketing buzz through self replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses. It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet and mobile networks. Viral advertising is personal and, while coming from an identified sponsor, it does not mean businesses pay for its distribution. Most of the well known viral ads circulating online are ads paid by a sponsor company, launched either on their own platform company webpage or social media profile or on social media websites such as You. Tube. 3 Consumers receive the page link from a social media network or copy the entire ad from a website and pass it along through e mail or posting it on a blog, webpage or social media profile. Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, text messages, email messages, or web pages. The most commonly utilized transmission vehicles for viral messages include pass along based, incentive based, trendy based, and undercover based. However, the creative nature of viral marketing enables an endless amount of potential forms and vehicles the messages can utilize for transmission, including mobile devices. The ultimate goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to create viral messages that appeal to individuals with high social networking potential SNP and that have a high probability of being presented and spread by these individuals and their competitors in their communications with others in a short period of time. The term viral marketing has also been used pejoratively to refer to stealth marketing campaignsmarketing strategies that advertise a product to people without them knowing they are being marketed to. HistoryeditThe emergence of viral marketing, as an approach to advertisement, has been tied to the popularization of the notion that ideas spread like viruses. The field that developed around this notion, memetics, peaked in popularity in the 1. As this then began to influence marketing gurus, it took on a life of its own in that new context. The term viral strategy was first used in marketing in 1. ChiatDay advertising in LA now TBWA LA for the launch of the first Playstation for Sony Computer Entertainment. Others contend that the sales funnel is still a valuable tool, as long as marketing and sales teams understand two things that qualified sales leads may enter the. Zuckerberg is being proactive as some lawmakers are proposing to regulate social media by requiring all major digital media platforms with 1,000,000 or more users to. Welcome to eAuditNet, a webbased system, developed and maintained by the Performance Review Institute PRI to support and improve efficiency in the Nadcap auditing. Our Digital Marketing training helps you device marketing strategies using social tools and techniques. The course also earns you a Digital Marketing certification. Born from a need to combat huge target cynicism the insight was that people reject things pushed at them but seek out things that elude them. ChiatDay created a stealth campaign to go after influencersopinion leaders, using street teams for the first time in brand marketing and layered an intricate omni channel web of info and intrigue. Insiders picked up on it and spread the word. Gta 4 Cd Iv Download there. Within 6 months Play. Station was number one in its categorySonys most successful launch in history. There is debate on the origination and the popularization of the specific term viral marketing, though some of the earliest uses of the current term are attributed to the Harvard Business School graduate Tim Draper and faculty member Jeffrey Rayport. The term was later popularized by Rayport in the 1. Marketing Metrics Digital Handbook' title='Marketing Metrics Digital Handbook' />Fast Company article The Virus of Marketing,8 and Tim Draper and Steve Jurvetson of the venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson in 1. Hotmails practice of appending advertising to outgoing mail from their users. An earlier attestation of the term is found in PC User magazine in 1. Among the first to write about viral marketing on the Internet was the media critic. Doug Rushkoff. 1. The assumption is that if such an advertisement reaches a susceptible user, that user becomes infected i. Lingerie company Cosabella used three AI products in a digital marketing transformation that freed up marketers to be more creative. As long as each infected user shares the idea with more than one susceptible user on average i. Of course, the marketing campaign may be successful even if the message spreads more slowly, if this user to user sharing is sustained by other forms of marketing communications, such as public relations or advertising. Bob Gerstley was among the first to write about algorithms designed to identify people with high social networking potential. Gerstley employed SNP algorithms in quantitative marketing research. In 2. 00. 4, the concept of the alpha user was coined to indicate that it had now become possible to identify the focal members of any viral campaign, the hubs who were most influential. Alpha users could be targeted for advertising purposes most accurately in mobile phone networks, due to their personal nature. In early 2. Viral Summit was held in Las Vegas. It attempted to identify similar trends in viral marketing methods for various media. Methods and metricseditThis sections factual accuracy may be compromised due to out of date information. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. January 2. According to marketing professors Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein, to make viral marketing work, three basic criteria must be met, i. Messenger Three specific types of messengers are required to ensure the transformation of an ordinary message into a viral one market mavens, social hubs, and salespeople. Market mavens are individuals who are continuously on the pulse of things information specialists they are usually among the first to get exposed to the message and who transmit it to their immediate social network. Integrated marketing communications IMC is the use of marketing strategies to optimise the communication of a consistent message of the companys brands to. Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management. DigitalGov Were helping you build a modern government. Social media metrics refer to the measurements that companies use to gauge the impact of their efforts on social media platforms, and the impact of social media. Social hubs are people with an exceptionally large number of social connections they often know hundreds of different people and have the ability to serve as connectors or bridges between different subcultures. Salespeople might be needed who receive the message from the market maven, amplify it by making it more relevant and persuasive, and then transmit it to the social hub for further distribution. Market mavens may not be particularly convincing in transmitting the information. Message Only messages that are both memorable and sufficiently interesting to be passed on to others have the potential to spur a viral marketing phenomenon. Making a message more memorable and interesting or simply more infectious, is often not a matter of major changes but minor adjustments. It should be unique and engaging with a main idea that motivates the recipient to share it widely with friends a must see element. Environment The environment is crucial in the rise of successful viral marketing small changes in the environment lead to huge results, and people are much more sensitive to environment. The timing and context of the campaign launch must be right. Whereas Kaplan, Haenlein and others reduce the role of marketers to crafting the initial viral message and seeding it, futurist and sales and marketing analyst Marc Feldman, who conducted IMT Strategies viral marketing study in 2. MetricseditTo clarify and organize the information related to potential measures of viral campaigns, the key measurement possibilities should be considered in relation to the objectives formulated for the viral campaign.