Nostradamus Lost Book

Blog, books and media on Nostradamus, global warming, prophecy, politics, and the science of meditation and evolution. LIKE FACEBOOK PAGEJoin Free Newsletter. Support Hogue. Prophecy. DATELINE 1. 6 November 2. The Prophetic Angle of RT America forced by the Department of Justice to register as a Foreign Agent. Those countries which you now think of as closed will soon be open. And those countries you now think of as most open will soon be closed. Ambres 1. 98. 7Click on the cover and check out John Hogues newest and most topical book Stur Johansson, who channeled the spirit Ambres is known as the Swedish Edgar Cayce for similarly going into trance to help heal people and from time to time foresee the future. I became aware of him as many Americans did through actress Shirley Mac. Laine introducing his work in her breakout New Age, autobiographical book Out on a Limb. Dso Calculation Template Excel. This prophecy from Ambres was recorded at the time the Soviet Union in its final years of existence was opening up to Premier Mikhail Gorbachevs Glasnost and Perestroika reform movements. Once the Cold War concluded by the end of the 1. I forecast it would in my first book Nostradamus and the Millennium, the future would watch Russia become more open and free in the passing decades, while the victor of the Cold War, the United States, began to close down and become more totalitarian and fascist. On Monday RT America, the American news bureau of RT Russia Today, was forced to comply with the US Justice Departments ultimatum to register as a Foreign Agent or face an immediate freezing of all its bank accounts. No reasons were given. Nostradamus Lost Book' title='Nostradamus Lost Book' />It may be the first step fulfilling a forecast I already outlined last year to insert into my upcoming biannual book of world prophecies, Predictions 2. Years of Crisis and Breakthrough. A year ago, I foresaw the potential that the last real news network on television would have its plug pulled by the US government in 2. It could happen because Ambres is presciently correct. Nostradamus by Al Stewart song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position. Historys most acclaimed prophet, Nostradamus, saw the arrival of three antichrists that would plague mankind. But who are they When will they come and what. PDF digital book NO shipping. After purchasing, please allow for next day delivery by email attachment as I am sending these special illustrated editions manually. Plate 67. The ribbon title is now facing forward above an 8 spoked wheel, which goes to the next cycle and a special celestial alignment at the time of 2012. Nostradamus prophecies foresee for 2018 some terrible events that will totally change our planet from how we know it today. Nostradamus Predicts WWIII, prophecies about World War III. Nostradamus Prophecies about World War III. Those studying the Prophecies of Nostradamus. The DOJs action, unsubstantiated by fact, is far less American and far more like how I remember communist censorship of critical, fact based and sourced news reaching inside Soviet Russia. In my work with current events and how they trend in prophecy, I take care and time to vet my news sources. You get to know how good they are by double checking their sources and measuring the accuracy of their reports against the judge of time and actual events. Ive been vetting RT Internationaland RT America for over four years and counting and have found them to be the last network on television to perform a fair and balanced public service. Microsoft Office 2007 Powerpoint Portable Free Download. They present all sides of an issue, and question power and authority in Washington. RT does what US news media used to do when I was growing up in California in a more open America. Nostradamus Lost Book' title='Nostradamus Lost Book' />Clamping and inhibiting RT America on Monday as a foreign agent read enemy agent is the kind of thing Soviet bureaucrats would do. The Justice Department singled out an open and critical news source. They were motivated by ideology and politics rather than a presentation off acts. The DOJ rides a growing hysteria not seen in the nation since the dark days of Mc. Carthyism. They have become the legal enabler of what has been a witch hunt overtaking the American media, letting fly a strident but unproven paranoia to scapegoat all things Russian as solely responsible for the nations woes. Is this not very Soviet communist behavior Consider what happened to anyone critical of the Kremlin in the USSR era. Soon theyd be singled out and purged as an American sympathizer, a fifth columnist, an American spy, part of an American propaganda organ, and so on. Nostradamus Lost Book' title='Nostradamus Lost Book' />Offers biographical information, quatrains, and some interpretations. Features a book by an astrologer and prophet on upcoming events. With the aid of Nostradamus and my personal system of numerology, discover what is in store for the world in 2017 and the next 225 years. The last time United States fell under the hysteria of unfounded conspiracies pinned on Russians was during US Senator Joseph Mc. Carthys attempt in the late 1. Hollywood actors, authors, and scriptwriters. He even implicated scions of journalism like Edward R. Murrow a communist Russian propaganda bullhorn. Mc. Carthys reign of terror destroyed peoples lives, harmed free speech and expression in America. At the same time in Soviet Russia, Stalin was purging writers, artists and publicly shaming composers of the stature of Khachaturian, Shostakovich and Prokofiev as bourgeois enemies of the state. Before he died of a stroke, Stalin in his notorious predilection to act on his deadly habits of paranoia was preparing for another purge to rival the Red Terror of the late 1. Soviet citizens and sent millions more to labor camps in Siberia. This time the main targets of his unproven and hysterical blame game for all things not working properly in his workers paradise were going to be Soviet Jews. Of course these traitors must be agents of American propaganda trying to undermine the Soviet Union. Everything Im seeing now going on in the United States media reminds me less of the America I grew up in and more like the Soviet Union, even down to the jargon. Like the Soviet Union, our mainstream media is coopted and controlled not by communists but by corporate interests overtaking our government. America is now governed under an elitist oligarchic system, a variation of the Stalinist system of a communist ruling apparatchik class. I see a corporate dictatorship gathering strength that in the name of freedom is anything but. RT America has become just as threatening to the US corporately controlled government in our time as Voice of America was to Stalins communist regime. V of O didnt need to propagate lies, they just broadcast on radio into the Soviet Union the critical truth about what wasnt working in the so called workers paradise. RT America, in my direct vetting and experience of them has become a new Voice of America directed at Americans. They tell you what isnt working they bring a healthy breath of critical stories you no longer get in the US mainstream news. They are a source of alternative points of view, without which a democratic citizenry cannot long sustain its freedom. Our founding fathers of the Republic cautioned us, and even wrote it into the US Constitution, that a free press is absolutely needed. The governmentnot the peoplemust be ever watched and questioned as a critical element to this Republic sustaining its freedoms. The powerful should ever be afraid of the peoplenot the other way around. The other way around is Tyranny. What happened to RT America was an act of governmental tyranny. Ron Paul. Like Voice of America did for oppressed Soviet citizens, RT International and RT America show you the real world beyond the US medias generally uncritical narrative bubble. Ive lived extensively outside of the country in developing nations. The red white and blue light of American isolationism does not blind me. If youre still reading Hogueprophecy all these years, you are enjoying a more enlightened American and refreshing worldview at my website and in my books. I try to inform you how America affects its future. To do that, I give you the unvarnished views of the world about us as U. S. In my over six decades and counting of life, Ive never seen the American collective mindset stray so far from reality from governments top leaders to the media and all the way down to a new low of news literacy of the American public. This country is becoming the worlds biggest problem rather than its greatest hope.