Publisher 2007 Book Cover Template

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American Psychologist Manuscript Submission Portal. Submit Manuscript. Keep a copy of the manuscript to guard against loss. Do not submit manuscripts via mail, fax, or email. In recognition of the reality that institutional spam filters may capture files from the APA and Editorial Manager, please take the following steps to facilitate communication with our editorial office Provide an alternative email address that we can use to contact you in the event of technical difficulties with email communication using your primary address,Add apa. IT administrators to add it to their white list, and. Contact the editorial office if you do not receive confirmation of your submission within three business days or an editorial decision letter within three months. General correspondence may be directed to the Editorial Office. Submission Cover Letter. The cover letter should indicate that the authors have read and followed the American Psychologist AP Instructions to Authors. It should also include a statement indicating that the paper has been seen and approved by all authors. The cover letter should describe why the paper is consistent with the mission of AP. American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language 3Rd Edition'>American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language 3Rd Edition. The cover letter must confirm that the manuscript has not been published, is not currently submitted elsewhere, and that it does not contain data that are currently submitted or published elsewhere. On the submission portal you will be asked to provide contact information for three individuals who are qualified to serve as unbiased reviewers for your paper. American Psychologist is the official peerreviewed scholarly journal of the American Psychological Association. American Psychologist publishes current and timely. Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 along with all other Microsoft Office suites, and individual products will be available in late January, and will cost around. Publishing is the dissemination of literature, music, or informationthe activity of making information available to the general public. In some cases, authors may. Microsoft Publisher 2007 is a desktop publishing program that can be used to create a variety of publications. Using Publisher, you can easily. These people must have published peer reviewed work in a relevant field. They must be without any real or perceived conflict of interest with you and your coauthors and should not have previously read or provided feedback on drafts of the paper. They cannot be at the same institution as any author, cannot be a coauthor on any publications, and must not be a former or current trainee, advisor, or mentor, etc. When a manuscript contains data that are part of a larger study, authors should describe the larger study and provide references for other study papers. Authors must be prepared to provide copies of related manuscripts when requested as part of the editorial review process. Authors should clarify the relationship between their paper, including detailed specification of the overlap in participants, measures, and analysis, and others from the study. The value added scientific contribution of their study must be clearly stated in the cover letter. All research involving human participants must describe oversight of the research process by the relevant Institutional Review Boards and should describe consent and assent procedures briefly in the Method section. All statistical tests should include effect size whenever possible. First person language I, we should be avoided. Terminology should be sensitive to the individual who has a disease or disability. The journal endorses the concept of people first, not their disability. Terminology should reflect the person with a disability e. HIV infection, families of people with cancer rather than the condition as an adjective e. Publisher 2007 Book Cover Template' title='Publisher 2007 Book Cover Template' />HIV patients, cancer families. Nonsexist language should be used. It is important to highlight the significance and novel contribution of the work. Manuscript Submission Types. AP considers submissions of the following types, described below Original Articles. Empirical Papers. Reports of APA Boards, Committees, and Task Forces. Proposals for Special Sections or Special Issues. Comments on Published Articles. Obituaries by invitationOriginal Articles. AP considers manuscripts on all aspects of psychology, including manuscripts on national and international policy issues. Manuscripts should be current, timely, and of interest to the broad APA membership. They should be written in a style that is accessible and of interest to all psychologists, regardless of area of specialization. Empirical Papers. AP publishes high impact empirical papers with broad relevance for the field of psychology. Successful empirical papers should be primary results of rigorous research studies with implications for psychological theory andor practice. Examples include results of large multi site intervention trials, data driven reports that advance the theory or practice of psychology, and meta analyses on topics of broad relevance to the field. Reports of APA Boards, Committees, and Task Forces. Many of the association reports traditionally published in AP have relocated to the APA website. Task force and committee reports may be considered for publication but should be adapted to follow AP manuscript guidelines and, like other manuscript submissions, are subject to external peer review. Practice guidelines that have been adopted as APA policy by the Council of Representatives will be automatically published in AP. Proposals for Special Sections or Special Issues. Proposals for special sections or issues should be submitted to the AP editor prior to developing the manuscripts. Feature sections devoted to a particular topic are one means of fulfilling the journals mission. A special section of the journal may contain three or four papers on a single theme, and a special issue may contain somewhat more, depending on the content area. Proposals for special sections or special issues should describe their scope, provide a rationale including why such a section or issue is timely and what contribution it would make to the literature, and list and describe the proposed papers, with potential authors for each. Potential authors should not be recruited until a proposal is accepted. Proposals are first reviewed by the Editor in Chief. Proposals may be circulated to two or three individuals for review. Among the factors used in considering a proposal arelength of time since this topic was last addressed in APamount of new research conducted since thenwhether the range of topics appears appropriatewhether ethnic, racial, gender, and other types of diversity are reflected in the content and population within topic areas. Proposers of special sections or special issues should also consider diversity in the selection of manuscript authors. If a proposal is approved, an AP Associate Editor will be assigned to be a participating editor of the package. The proposal author will be responsible for recruiting authors, with possible suggestions from the AP editors. Editorial decisions about each manuscript in a special package are made separately. Comments on Published Articles. Comments on papers in recent issues of American Psychologist may be published. They should provide new and important information on the same topic as the original paper. The goal of the comment should be clearly stated in the first paragraph. Comments may present data or other evidence in support of their intended points. Comments should be submitted no later than 3 months from the date of publication online posting date of the article to which they respond. If submitted later, authors must present a strong rationale for considering a comment beyond the standard time frame. Comments must be limited to 1,0. If I Did It Wikipedia. If I Did It, retitled If I Did It Confessions of the Killer in later issues, is a book by ghostwriter. Pablo Fenjves and, purportedly, by O. J. Simpson, in which Simpson allegedly puts forth a hypothetical description of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Simpsons former manager Norman Pardo told the Huffington Post Simpson was not involved in writing the book but rather accepted, against Pardos advice, 6. Wrestling 2007 Full Game Pc more. Regan. Books and News. Corp to say he had written it and to conduct an interview. Simpson was acquitted of the murders in a criminal trial California v. Simpson but later was found financially liable in a civil trial. Although the original release of the book was canceled shortly after it was announced in November 2. June 2. 00. 7, copies of it had been leaked online. The book was originally due to be published by Regan. Books, an imprint of Harper. Collins, which was headed by editor and publisher Judith Regan. It was originally planned that the book would be promoted via a television special featuring an interview with Simpson on Fox Broadcasting Company. Fox and Harper. Collins are both owned by the News Corporation. This special had the longer title, O. J. Simpson If I Did It, Heres How It Happened. However, like the original release of the book, the special was canceled. In August 2. 00. 7, a Florida bankruptcy court awarded the rights to the book to the Goldman family to partially satisfy the civil judgment. The books title was changed to If I Did It Confessions of the Killer, and this version was published by Beaufort Books. Comments were added to the original manuscript by the Goldman family, the books ghostwriter. Pablo Fenjves, and journalist Dominick Dunne. The new cover design printed the word If greatly reduced in size compared with the other words, and placed inside the word I. AuthorshipeditNorman Pardo, Simpsons former manager, told the Huffington Post the book was written by a ghostwriter without Simpsons involvement. Rather, Simpson had accepted, against Pardos advice, 6. Regan. Books and its parent company News. Corp to say he had written the book and to conduct an associated TV interview. Pardo told the Huffington Post that Simpson had rationalized 2Hey, they offered me 6. I wrote the book. He said, Thats cash. I said, Theyre going to think you wrote it. He said, So Everybody thinks Im a murderer anyway. Theyre not going to change their mind just because of a book. The books ghostwriter Pablo Fenjves responded to the claim, saying the book is based on extensive discussions with Simpson. ContenteditThis section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. April 2. The first part of the If I Did It manuscript details Simpsons early relationship with Nicole and their marriage. The latter part of the manuscript describes details of the events on June 1. Simpson had committed them. However, Simpsons attorney said that there is only one chapter that deals with their deaths and that chapter, in my understanding, has a disclaimer that its complete fiction. In Simpsons hypothetical scenario, he has an unwilling accomplice named Charlie who tells him to stop the murders, and whom Simpson ignores. First release and its cancellationedit. Original first release cover. The book was unofficially announced in The National Enquirer in late October 2. Simpsons lawyer. The book was then formally announced some weeks later in mid November 2. November 3. 0, 2. Intense public criticism led to the cancellation of the books publication and a related television interview, both from divisions of News Corporation Harper. CollinsRegan. Books and Fox Broadcasting Company, respectively. According to a Newsweek story, all 4. News Corp. 1. 3 A copy later appeared in an auction listing on e. Bay in September 2. James Wolcott of Vanity Fair also obtained a pristine hardcover copy of the book for a review published in January 2. The first versions cover, as released by Harper. Collins, showed a photograph of Simpson with the words I Did It in red and the word If in white. The Beaufort version had the words I Did It in large type and the word If written in a tiny font and placed at the top of the I. Neither version of the book has Simpsons name anywhere on the front cover. Harper. Collins Publishers had planned to publish it under their Regan Books imprint on November 3. The National Enquirer made unproven claims in October 2. Simpson would be paid US3. Regan was quoted by the Associated Press as saying, This is a historic case, and I consider this his confession. In one portion of an interview to promote the book, taped before the project was canceled, Regan said to Simpson, You wrote, I have never seen so much blood in my life. Simpson responded, I dont think any two people could be murdered without everybody being covered in blood. Pre publication controversyeditIf I Did It ignited a storm of pre publication controversy, largely due to the perception that Simpson was trying to profit from the two deaths for which his civil suit verdict had found him liable. This is not about being heard. This is about trying to cash in, in a pathetic way, on some notoriety, said Sara Nelson, editor in chief of Publishers Weekly. Denise Brown, sister of murder victim Nicole Brown Simpson, expressed her hope that the publisher would take full accountability for promoting the wrongdoing of criminals and leveraging this forum and the actions of Simpson to commercialize abuse. She went on to say that Simpsons two children would be exposed to his inexplicable behavior and we will provide them with our love and support during this time. Its unfortunate that O. J. Simpson has decided to awaken a nightmare that we have painfully endured and worked so hard to move beyond. The proposed book outraged the Goldman family, who criticized the publisher for helping a murderer get his voice out there. According to lawyers for Ron Goldmans family, the Goldmans planned to attempt to garnish any earnings Simpson might get from the book. Fred Goldman, Rons father, was awarded 3. However, Simpson never paid this judgment due to a California law that prevents pensions from being used to satisfy judgments, and the fact that the bulk of his income comes from his NFL pension. Goldman described the book and television interview as an all time low and morally reprehensible to me. Patricia Schroeder, president and chief executive of the Association of American Publishers, felt that the book would stir an awful lot of debate and make the culture take a real look at itself, and that may not be unhealthy. The day after the announcement of its publication, an online boycott encouraged Americans to ignore the book and complain to publishers and booksellers. Similar boycotts were held in Australia and Europe. Within four days of the books announcement, over 5. Ronald Goldmans family, Dont. Pay. OJ. com,2. 4 declaring their opposition to the book. Bookshops were divided about stocking this title in their stores. Numerous independent stores said either that they would not sell it or would offer limited copies and give away the proceeds.