Your Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload

Quick PHP Photo Gallery with instant setup and all in one file create a gallery by adding this file to your photos. FAQ Cumulus. Wiki. This is the Cumulus FAQ consult also the Help screens within Cumulus software, and learn more from the rest of this Wiki. Contents. 1Installing and Running Cumulus. Troubleshooting. 2. My Error light is flashing. Hubgets_Limits.png?version=1&modificationDate=1507905101000&api=v2' alt='Your Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload' title='Your Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload' />My new record light has stopped flashing. I installed a new version and my web page templates got over written. I cant find my data files I cant save my NOAA reports My sunrise and sunset times are wrong. The Moon rise or set time is showing dashes. The Moon image is just black. Why are the Yesterday figures missing on the Main Cumulus ScreenYour Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload PhotoYour Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload PhotosWhy do I have some unexpected zero figures Ive zoomed a graph, how do I get it back to full sizeYour Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload MusicYour Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per UploadYour Php Settings Limit The Maximum File Size Per Upload PictureCumulus cant read a data update from my station. On restarting Cumulus, it did not successfully read all data from when it last ran. Cumulus read some invalid figures from my station. I get very large amounts of rainfall shown, or other high readings. My station invented some rain that didnt really occur, and I want to set it to zero or some other figure2. My monthly andor annual rainfall totals are wrong. The gust line has disappeared from my graph. My gust values are the same as my average wind speed values. Ive just installed Cumulus, and it didnt download all the old data from my weather station. I have inserted pre Cumulus data and now I get errors. I have inserted pre Cumulus data making Records began on date wrong. Cumulus doesnt show the same pressure as my Fine Offset console. My pressure suddenly droppedTheres probably a limit set in your webserver. Some browsersproxies will also implement a timeout. Invoking long running processes via an HTTP request is just plain. Or suddenly increased I get an error when I try to view my all time records. Also, they dont appear on my web site. I get an error when I close Cumulus. My forecast says Not available2. My forecast always says Exceptional Weather, Stormy, much precipitation2. My computer hibernatedsuspended, and I lost datamy graphs flat lined2. My heat indexhumidexwind chill is the same as my temperature. Cumulus is showing a different wind speed compared to my console. I get error 3. 27. Cumulus and my USB Davis station. When I start Cumulus, the graphs restart again each time and dont show the earlier data. The peak values on my graphs are not the same as my extreme values. My extreme values do not appear in the monthly data logs. Cumulus takes a long time to download the data from my Davis station at start up. My Davis console clock is not exactly the same as my PC clock, but I have Synchronise station clock selected. Today is the shortestlongest day, but Cumulus says that tomorrow will be a few seconds shorterlonger. Cumulus got the forecast wrong I only see one set of points on the wind direction graph. My average wind bearing remains at zero. My graphs appear to be plotted less frequently just after Cumulus starts up. I closed Cumulus, the please wait form appeared, but Cumulus didnt close, even after several minutes. Cumulus isnt logging data at the interval that I set. Cumulus takes a very long time to shut down. My temperature MinMaxAvg graph is empty. The longest drywet spell for this monthyear includes days from last monthyear. Cumulus isnt performing periodic tasks, like data logging or web uploads. Ive changed my Twitter password, and now Cumulus wont update Twitter. When I start Cumulus, I get the error message The station is not initialised2. How do I correct todays or yesterdays highs and lowsHow do I correct my all time or monthly all time records Its January 1st and my rain since midnight andor last 2. Evapotranspiration are wrongnegative. Cumulus stops at the Downloading data screen. Cumulus locks up when it starts and I have to use the task manager to kill it. Error messages with Error on line. Intuit Quickbooks Uk 2010 Premier Accountant Edition Keygen By Lz0 on this page. Error at line. 2. Cumulus gives an error and wont run on my HP computer. The headings or data look wrong in the data log viewer. The wind rose in Cumulus does not display anything with my Fine Offset. Ive set the graph background to white, but theres a problem with the small wind direction graph. My Weather Underground tabular data interval is not the same as the interval Ive set in Cumulus Im using Rapid Fire2. My WU or PWS highest and lowest do not match Cumulus. My monthly month by month all time records dont have entries for all of the months that I have been using Cumulus. I am getting IO error 3. IO error 1. 03. 2. I have problems after upgrading to Windows 1. Website. 4Selecting a Weather Station sensor site. Installing and Running Cumulus. What operating systems does Cumulus run on All versions of Windows from XP to Windows 1. It works on 3. 2 bit and 6. It may also work on Windows 2. You will probably not be able to get it to work on Windows 2. Fine Offset station. Cumulus MX runs on Windows from Windows 7 onwards, and on Linux and Mac OS X. Where do I find the Cumulus installer On the downloads page. What do I need to get right when first getting Cumulus The installation process for Cumulus displays readme. See also Setup. Below are three key points. Install Cumulus in its own directory directly under a drive root. Connect your weather station before you start Cumulus When you first run Cumulus, it displays the Station settings screen. On this, make sure you pick the right sort of station to ensure Cumulus communicates correctly with your weather station, and can identify all the observations and choose your units wisely. Changing units later means all stored Lowest and highest numbers up to that point have to be converted immediately manually. See the Help for information about the rest of the screen, but generally you can easily adjust the other options later. What weather stations does Cumulus work with Davis Vantage Pro VP, Vantage Pro. VP2, and Vue the Envoy. X is not supported. Oregon Scientific WM9. WMR9. 18, WMR9. 28, WMR9. WMR8. 8 see this FAQ, WMR1. WMR1. 80, WMR2. 00. Fine Offset USB connected stations which use the Easyweather software such as My. DEL, Nevada, Watson and Fine Offset, with model numbers such as WH1. WH1. 08. 1, W8. 68. NC etc. La Crosse WS2. FAQ. You may have problems with corrupt data if you use a WS2. USB adapter this combination is therefore not supported. For a more complete list see the Supported Devices page. Will you support a new weather station typeIts quite hard to support a particular weather station when I dont have access to one. No weather station is perfect, and problems inevitably arise after the code is written, and I have to start adding more and more code to work around issues with the station. Also, most companies dont seem to like third parties writing software for their stations, so dont make the protocol available. I will only consider adding support for a station under a certain set of circumstances which would include at least. A significant donation towards Cumulus development A well documented official protocol spec Loan or donation of a station Access to technical support from the station manufacturer. Please contact me if you would like to discuss this further. How do I get Cumulus to update to the internet Cumulus provides multiple options. Internet Update this feature is to place web pages onto a personal web server. You can use the web templates provided with Cumulus, or your own customised pages. This is optional, and there are a lot of settings to get right, but it is a standard feature that has always been part of Cumulus. APRSCWOP this feature is to update your observations onto the cwop. Cumulus is running if you configure it in the APRSCWOP frame within Cumulus internet settings. Quick Gallery The Instant PHP Photo Gallery. Once you have your gallery index. Heres all you need to do Step 1 Get the gallery file. Step 2 Upload the file with some photos to your web server. Step 3 Point your browser to it and enjoy your photos In the beginning of the index. Each option explains what it does. Gallery Appearance Themes Options. There are a few themes included in the gallery by default. One of them is preselected for you in the setting below. Theme black, white, black, simple, simpledark, photo, polaroid or tiles. This will be the theme shown in the gallery when you first load it unless you have used the theme selector. This sets a cookie with your selection and overrides the selection in this config. Themes Config Override. Some Themes are able to override the cookie selection and this is controlled by hiding the theme selector. The themes can have sub arrays in them that will override values in the config and thumb. Sizes. See the example config array in theme photo or tiles. Theme Options. Theme simpledark. Folder. Theme. Size medium. Themes can override this. For example my photo theme overrides this setting and sets it to false. Img. Name true. Some. File. From. Some File From 2. Camel. Case. Space true. Img. Name. As. Filename false. Theme Changer. Theme changer sets a cookie to select a theme. If you hide the theme selector after using it, the cookie does not get used. Themes you select may already hide the changer for you have a look if the theme has a config array within it. Some themes may be hidden from the visitor view at the top right. By default I do this if the themes are too different from the norm. You can also control which are shown in there yourself. Theme. Changer true. You can decide if you want to show the theme and size change options at the top right or center bottom. Themes may override this setting. Options. In. Footer false. Image Size Changer. Allow visitor to select the size of thumbs they wish to view defined options. Image. Size. Options true. Navigation. By default the gallery will show the title of the gallery as well as the path to the current directory. You can change which of these is shown in the config below. First item within a subfolder view back link. In some setups you may not want to show the back links. These are the folder icons with an arrow which will take. You can hide it by setting showbacklink to false. For example, you may prefer to use just either the breadcrumbs or the backlinks. CSS3 Rounded borders and shadows. You can turn all the css rounded borders and shadows on or off in the config. These are only visible in decent browsers. If you do not see rounded borders and shadows I suggest you switch browsers. You can control the size and spacing of all these setting within the theme array of your selected theme. Shadows true. Rounded. Borders true. Rounded. Viewer. Borders true. New Item highlighting. You can highlight new items if you wish. These are applied as a css class new. Item for the parent of the image. New. Items false. New. Item. Days 7. Image Viewer Options. If you are using the view image on page instead of javascript option. Code. Content. For. Image. Page. View. Overlay. Js. Viewer true. Javascript image overlay viewer options. Speed 4. 00. Size 1. Allow the use of the slideshow feature. Auto. Start false. Show. Duration 6. Link false. This. Show link for showing Image and EXIF info. Info false. Show image filename and location in info. Info. File. Loc true. Show image last modified time in info. Info. Mod. Time true. The exif option controls whether to show a link in the viewer for loading exif data. When clicked, the viewer will send an ajax request to the gallery and load the exif data separately. Your PHP installation must be compatible and have exif installed with it. This uses the standard exifreaddata function. If the exif data had geo data embedded gps coordinates in it, then the viewer should also show. EXPERIMENTAL VIDEO FEATURE. This uses CDN hosted video. It searches for video files with formats defined in acceptedvideo e. You will need to create a thumbnail for the video named the same as the video file. My Video. jpg it will be linked with My Video. Video false. Options for viewing image on page. Image. Slider. In. Img. View true. Image. Total. Counter true. Common options for both viewers. Img. Title true. Author true. Folder Thumbnails. You have four options for your folder thumbs. Use auto generated thumbs that will use images from the folder and combine them as small thumbs in the image for the folder. You can set the number of how many small thumbs you want in them. The larger the number, the longer it will take to generate these thumbnails. Size of your original files can be an issue as well. If the folder does not contain any or enough images it will scan any subfolders in order and use them in order. Select a single image from the folder to be used as the default folder image. You can use the admin interface to select one, or you can create a text file called folder. For this to work you must have allow. Default. Folder. Images set to true. This setting will override the auto generated multi image opnes from above. You can let the gallery pick the first image from the folder and use that as the folder thumbnail. To do this, make sure that use. First. As. Folder. Image is set to true and the above options are false. You can change this folder icon by using a tool found on my website. Please note that you will need to manually clear the cache when you change thumbnail settings. Tiny. Thumbs. For. Folders true. Tiny. Thumbs. For. Folders 4. Default. Folder. Images true. Thumbs. use. First. As. Folder. Image false. Thumb. Bg. Color 3. Auto Rotate Images. EXIF rotation info and rotate any RESIZED image according to that. Rotate true. Crop Thumbnails. Images false. Caching and quality. You can turn off the thumbnail caching all together if you wish, but I would not recommend this. You may change the quality of the thumbnails if you wish for this to take effect. Sorting and file names. You can choose whether you want ascending or descending sorting for files and folders. The default sorting is alphabetical. Additionally you can choose if you want to to order folder by their creation time instead. For images, you can also choose the creation time or exif date the date time the photo was taken. For alphabetical ordering. The ordernumberseparator and ordernumberseparatorimg are something that you can set as you wish. By default they are set as two underscrores. In this case you can order all your folders and files by naming them like this. MyPhoto. jpg, 0. AnotherPhoto. This would result photos showing as My Photo and Another Photo. You can set different separartors for albums and images. So if you have IMG6. Folder. Created false. File. Created false. File. Exif. Date false. Date. Time, Date. Time. Original, Date. Time. Digitized. File. Exif. Date. Field Date. Time. Original. add date to the displayed image names. Date. To. Image. Name false. Date. As. Image. Name false. Date. To. Image. Name.