Install Nagios Windows Server 2008

MSSQL_Backup001.PNG' alt='Install Nagios Windows Server 2008' title='Install Nagios Windows Server 2008' />Install Nagios Windows Server 2008Configuring e Mail Notifications in Nagios Core www. Linked to my multi part series on using Nagios Core with Exchange server, I would like to explain how you can configure mail notifications to recipients when status changes occur within the Nagios monitoring environment. If you are just joining us here, I recommend that you have a look at the series in its entirety before reading any further, as there are a few concepts used in this article which were covered in depth within previous four parts. You can view them here In Part 1. I covered how you can install Nagios Core 3. Ubuntu 1. 1. 1. 0 server within your environment. In Part 2. I covered how you can setup basic monitoring on your first Windows Server making use of the NSClient, I also covered how you could setup a basic checknt monitoring service. In Part 3. I covered how you can install the NRPE daemon onto your Nagios Server and then use the NSClient to execute a basic Powershell script and report the output back into the Nagios interface. In Part 4. I covered how you can build some custom Power. NWHW3jLTMM/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Install Nagios Windows Server 2008' title='Install Nagios Windows Server 2008' />Shell scripts to monitor you Exchange environment. Making Sure that you DNS Configuration is correct. Before you begin to setup the tools which will enable mail notifications to be sent from Nagios, you should ensure that you destination mail domain can be resolved from your Ubuntu server. Octopus Box Crack Download there. I have assumed that you will be sending notifications to a mailbox within your Exchange infrastructure which naturally is separate to the Nagios implementation. In my example, my destination domain is prepad. Online Color Wheel Chart there. How to Enable TLS 1. Windows Server 2008 R2 and IIS 7. Fixed SSLv3 Poodle Issue in windows server by disabling SSLv3 and Enable TLS. News aggregation, editorials, reviews, and announcements. Includes forums. Nagios is one of the best open source server and network monitoring solutions available. Using the flexible nagios framework, you can monitor pretty much anything. Having an issue with IIS7 on a Windows 2008 SP2 32 bit install with 1GB RAM. This is running as a guest VM on a Linux VMWare Server 2. IIS becomes. Install Nagios Windows Server 2008Hi All, Ive got several hundreds of Windows Server 2003 and 2008 virtual machine several physical machine which is updated by WSUS automatically but it. Nagios server can lookup the MX record for that domain you can use the dig command like so dig prepad. If everything is ok, you should receive an output to the command similar to that below Installing POSTFIXPostfix is a free MTA for Linux which is designed to be easier to setup and configure than the more traditional Send. Mail offering. Combined with Heirloom Mail. X see next section Nagios can be configured to use the two products to send e mail notifications to a designated set of contacts in the event of an alert being generated. From the perspective of using Postfix to send e mail from Nagios the setup is very simple e. I am not going to go into huge amounts of detail on how you can configure Postfix. In order to install Postfix open an SSH session to your Nagios Ubuntu Server using Pu. TTY and type in the following command sudo apt get install postfix. You will then be presented with a two step setup Wizard the first page will ask you what type of POSTFIX SMTP Server you would like to use ensure that you have selected the Internet Site option, when done navigate using TAB to the OK button see below. You will then be asked to supply a Domain Name which the source e mails will be sent from in my example I have used nagios. OK button see below. This will then complete the configuration of Postfix. Installing Heirloom Mail. XHeirloom Mail. X is a small binary program that is used by Nagios to send mail to the Postfix mail server it is very easy to install. From the SSH console, type in the following command sudo apt get install heirloom mailx. Configuring Exchange to accept messages from your Nagios Server. There are better ways to do this, however if you want to ensure that your Exchange Hub transport servers are accepting mail from your Nagios server, you should ensure that the Default Receive Connector on your HT is configured to accept anonymous connections you can do this by opening up the Exchange Management Console and navigating to Microsoft Exchange On Premises Server Configuration Hub Transport, then select your HT and then from the low pane Receive Connectors right click on the Default lt Your HT from the context menu that appears choose Properties see below. From the properties box that appears, click on the Permission Groups tab, and then tick the Anonymous Users tick box, and then click on the OK button see below. In the real world, you should probably consider creating a dedicated Receive Connector for the Nagios instance. Configuring Nagios to Send Mail Notifications. Now that you have installed the required components to enabled Nagios to send mail notifications, you will need to download two configurations files from your Nagios Server using File. Zilla and edit them using Notepad if you need to understand how to do this, please review part 2 of my installing Nagios for Exchange series. These files are commands. Which are located in usrlocalnagiosetcobjects. Open the commands. Notepad and modify the following two lines notify host by email command definition. Nagios nn. Notification Type NOTIFICATIONTYPEn. Host HOSTNAMEn. State HOSTSTATEn. Address HOSTADDRESSn. Info HOSTOUTPUTnn. DateTime LONGDATETIMEn binmailx s NOTIFICATIONTYPE Host Alert HOSTNAME is HOSTSTATE CONTACTEMAIL. Nagios nn. Notification Type NOTIFICATIONTYPEnn. Service SERVICEDESCn. Host HOSTALIASn. Address HOSTADDRESSn. State SERVICESTATEnn. DateTime LONGDATETIMEnn. Additional Info nnSERVICEOUTPUTn binmailx s NOTIFICATIONTYPE Service Alert HOSTALIASSERVICEDESC is SERVICESTATE CONTACTEMAIL. To look like the following notify host by email command definition. Nagios nn. Notification Type NOTIFICATIONTYPEn. Host HOSTNAMEn. State HOSTSTATEn. Address HOSTADDRESSn. Info HOSTOUTPUTnn. DateTime LONGDATETIMEn usrbinmailx s NOTIFICATIONTYPE Host Alert HOSTNAME is HOSTSTATE CONTACTEMAIL. Nagios nn. Notification Type NOTIFICATIONTYPEnn. Service SERVICEDESCn. Host HOSTALIASn. Address HOSTADDRESSn. State SERVICESTATEnn. DateTime LONGDATETIMEnn. Additional Info nnSERVICEOUTPUTn usrbinmailx s NOTIFICATIONTYPE Service Alert HOSTALIASSERVICEDESC is SERVICESTATE CONTACTEMAIL. In essence you are changing the binmail part of each command to usrbinmailx. When you are done, save the file and then using File. Zilla upload it back to your Nagios Server. Next open the contacts. Short name of user. Inherit default values from generic contact template defined above. Nagios Admin Full name of user. CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. When you are done, save the file, and upload it back to your Nagios server. To finish up the configuration, from a Pu. TTY session type in the following command sudo etcinit. For the configuration changes to take effect. When there is now a problem with either a service or a host, the chosen recipient should receive a mail notification like the following Tagged as. Melanie Fiona Give It To Me Right Instrumental. Monitoring. Monitoring Exchange. Nagios Core. Notifications.